So, sometime between the end of May when I last checked it and the end of June, the website listed in your summer assignment decided to move the online help pages. The new url for the online help pages will be . However, as of today, that page is not working.
Most of the summer assignment is a review, so many of you will know how to do most of it right off the bat. But, for those of you who would like some help (or reassurance) for your summer assignment, here are some possibilities:
The Khan Academy- They have a searchable base of online videos (many of which are short and to the point). Try searching what you are interested o
in and then read the descriptions of the videos. Choose a video and watch.
Graphing- Read the information given in your packet and use it and what you've been taught in the past to answer the questions.
Error- Many of you probably haven't learned much about error in measurements. This is the section of the summer assignment that is probably new material for most of you. Read the information given in your packet and use it to answer the questions.
If you have questions, feel free to email me. I will be checking my email almost daily, so you should get a reasonably timely answer.
Good luck, and my apologies that the help site isn't working.
Mrs. Heyes
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